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Develop & Integrate

Our consultants bring unparalleled business process intelligence technology, industry knowledge and delivery and integration expertise to the table: a compelling combination that has helped us implement comprehensive workflow, procurement, integration and contract management solutions that have delivered measurable business value for many clients, often on a long-term, truly partnership, level.


Four Business Solutions meets with you to define the vision and scope of the workflow, procurement, integration and contract management solution based on your specific, time-sensitive business requirements so that we jointly determine the goals, objectives, assumptions and constraints of the project, ensuring it's validity and calculating justifications and returns where appropriate.

It's something of a common myth that technology development takes place in isolation and no further customer input is required once the project has started. Wrong: in fact, the exact opposite is true. To avoid the risk of delivering too much, too little or something that does not meet your requirements, close collaboration between your business and the Four project team is essential. By placing our experts on site with you for a significant proportion of the project you can be assured project communication is strong and you can see progress at is happens, providing feedback instantly.

At Four Business Solutions, we use the latest development environments and software, which offer improved productivity, quality, extendibility, maintainability and usability.

Our teams of application consultants are some of the best in the industry; with many years directly relevant experience, something that allows us to maximise the potential of your software. All projects are piloted and tested for usability and functionality by end users, a move that serves to minimise risk and ensure the end users requirements have been met - as well as your vital corporate objectives.

We have experience of planning and implementing business process intelligence solutions across huge global organisations involving hundreds of stakeholders and multiple operations or sites often across several continents. Our approach is to get the whole team involved in all stages, and to ensure the involvement of project champions from the junior team members to the most senior managers. Good staged communication is key in order to mitigate the common issues of ownership and user uptake. We often use one or two sites to prepare detailed blueprints so that the rest of the group can be rolled out quickly, easily, consistently and with your own staff if appropriate.

Four never forgets training - skills must be transferred and bedded in so that a Four solution never ends up being 'shelfware'.

Learn more about how our development services can help


Individual business applications will secure improvement for your organisation. Our experience and that of our clients shows the greatest benefits are achieved when you integrate them together, avoiding wasted and unproductive staff time and the extended delays in generating business critical information.

Four Business Solutions draws on the latest software technologies and integration standards to link systems together into a truly useful business platform for you. We have developed software to assist with the rapid deployment of interfaces for our SunSystems procurement, contract management and workflow solutions ensuring a quick return on your investment.

Learn more about how our integration services can help

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